Welcome to IHCA's VCast! This bi-weekly feature is a brief video message on a specific topic of interest that is sent out to all association members via email. Each video includes pertinent information about the association, legislative and/or regulatory matters, etc., presented by IHCA staff, members of the IHCA Board of Directors or other key members of the association. Previous issues of the VCast distribution emails, which include links to the videos as well as any additional materials that were included, can be found in the Resource Center (must be logged into the member portal to acces).
Want to see your company logo on a VCast video? Become a VCast Sponsor!
Interested in getting your company information in front of all of our IHCA members? As an IHCA VCast sponsor your information will be sent to the entire membership.
Sponsorships include:
- Company description, logo and a link to your website in the distribution email
- Up to sixty seconds of air time during the VCast
- Company logo displayed throughout the entire video