Membership Types

The Illinois Health Care Association (IHCA) offers several types of membership, depending on individual circumstances. Below are descriptions of each category, along with a link to a PDF of our 2025 membership applications. Please fill out the appropriate application and return it to IHCA to be considered for membership. 

Facility / Center Membership 
IHCA facility / center membership is designed for proprietary and non-proprietary facilities/programs that include the following facility types/levels of care:

 • Skilled Nursing 
 • Intermediate Care
 • Assisted Living and Shared Housing (ICAL)
 • Intermediate Care Facilities for the Developmentally Disabled (CDDACS)
 • Medically Complex for the Developmentally Disabled (CDDACS)
 • Sheltered Care (ICAL)
 • Supportive Living (ICAL)
 • Community Integrated Living Arrangements (CDDACS)

Under the IHCA common ownership policies, persons who own or control more than one facility or program must pay dues based upon the total number of beds in all facilities controlled. Individuals or organizations that control four or more facilities have two years to file applications for membership for all facilities owned or controlled, once the application for the initial facility has been filed.
Click here to view the Center/Facility membership application. 


Associate Membership
Associate membership is designed for long term care companies, such as vendors and suppliers, who wish to join IHCA, but are not eligible for Full Membership. Whether your company offers group purchasing, pharmaceutical services, medical equipment, furniture or food services, as long as you serve long term care or ID/DD entities, you are eligible for associate membership.
Click here to view the Associate membership application or contact the IHCA office for more information. 


Individual Membership
Individual membership is designed for members of governing boards, or an administrator, supervisor, professional employee or associate member, and persons formerly employed by a full member, now retired, or who have left the health care field. A person who is associated with a non-member facility or program eligible for membership as a full member is not eligible for individual membership.
Click here to view the Individual membership application. 


Student Membership
IHCA student membership is designed for students currently attending an educational institution and enrolled full-time in classes relating to long term care or an allied health-related field. A student may not be employed in or an owner of a long term health care facility.  Click here to view the Student membership application. 

To learn more about Illinois Health Care Association membership benefits, click here or contact IHCA's President/CEO Ashley Snavely via email or by phone, 217-528-6455.